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A pair of headphones with a brain in the middle. Neon-coloured sound waves are seen coming out of the headphones and making connections on the brain. The brain is lit up by the same neon colours.

Bass Goes Boom

Whether it’s the rhythmic tapping of a spoon on a plate, the clicking of a car’s turn signal, or the drips of a leaking faucet, humans find a beat wherever we go. But why is it that we are so susceptible to a single note that is repeated over and over again?

A person in a room encountering their hologram and reaching out to touch it. The person's hologram is also reaching out to touch the person.

Are You a Hologram?

It was 1915 when our resident genius Albert Einstein published his theory of General Relativity. As Christmas trees stood tall and families reunited for the holidays that year, Einstein received a letter from a German soldier on the Russian front. This soldier was Karl Schwarzschild, who, amongst the guns and shouts, found a solution to Einstein’s theory that directly predicted black holes.

A cartoon drawing of a frozen zombie head encased in a cube of ice. The ice is melting and forms a puddle of water on the ground.

Awakening Ancient Viruses with Climate Change

We hear about zombies all the time in movies, books, and TV shows. They often start with a corpse coming back to life and passing a virus onto others, who then get infected and pass it onto more people— and suddenly you’ve got a zombie apocalypse on your hands. But what happens when the virus itself is a zombie, resurrected from its thousand-year underground slumber? While they might not be the bringers of the apocalypse, the release of ancient viruses that were previously frozen underground is a new and unprecedented consequence of climate change that has researchers wondering if they might cause issues for us in the future.

Girl with long red hair with an anesthesia mask. Text above the girl saying "Myth or Fact: Do people with red hair require more anaesthesia"

Do People with Red Hair Require More Anaesthesia?

Most of us have become well acquainted with the term “anaesthetics”- whether it’s from personal experience, anecdotes from friends, or portrayal on TV. Even though its use has become commonplace, there are many mysteries surrounding anaesthesia waiting to be explored.

Album cover depicting a top-down view of the arctic with glaciers with mini album covers to the left depicting whales, seals, and glaciers. Text reading "Polar Sounds" and "where ecology and music collide" border the album.

Polar Sounds: The New Album where Ecology and Music Collide

Orcas and Ross seals accompanied by a violin? A bowhead whale’s call remixed as a love song? Colliding icebergs combined with synths and electric guitars? These are all songs that feature in Polar Sounds, a newly released album from the sound project Cities and Memory.

A digital drawing of planet Earth surrounded by falling pink particles. Golden rays radiate out from the planet's surface into space.

The Particle Shower That is Changing The Way We See The World

Life on Earth exists under a constant particle shower. Tiny invisible particles form in the
atmosphere and fall towards the Earth’s surface, passing through our bodies and everything around us on their way. From the Great Pyramids of Giza to Mount Vesuvius, one such particle, the muon, is being used by particle physicists to make new discoveries about the physical structures that surround us on Earth.

a baby surrounded by speech bubbles with various country flags in each bubble representing a different language. These languages include portuguese, english, chinese, arabic, german, russian, spanish, hindi, japanese and french.

Polyglot Prodigies

How many times have you downloaded Duolingo, fired up to learn Portuguese or Korean, only to give up after losing your 40-day streak? Even after 40 days, you think, I still only know how to say “Hi, how are you?” It’s easy to get discouraged, but if it’s any solace, our struggles with learning new languages are mostly biological.

Orange juice is poured into a glass that is overflowing. PFAS, drawn as its chemical molecular structure, is shown in the orange juice. Text reads “Some Things Weren’t Meant to Last”.

Some Things Weren’t Meant to Last: The Harmful Impacts of Forever Chemicals

Earlier this year in the US, a lawsuit was taken against the popular juice product Simply Tropical for containing levels of dangerous chemicals called PFAS. It turns out that these chemicals were at levels “hundreds of times” greater than the US Environmental Protection Agency’s advisory limits for drinking water.

a disproportionately large nuclear fusion tube containing spherical fuel is shown being hit with lasers, powering a futuristic city.

Powering a Brighter Future with Fusion Ignition

On December 13, 2022, the world of clean energy changed forever with a groundbreaking announcement from the US Department of Energy. Fusion ignition had been achieved for the first time in history on December 5, 2022. Scientists from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) at the US National Ignition Facility successfully achieved one of the largest scientific milestones of the 21st century by producing an excess of energy – even more than they put in.

New york city night time skyline in background with King Kong hanging off the top of the Empire state building, Godzilla at the bottom left corner, and Mothra flying in the sky at the top left corner. The words 'colossal creatures, the science behind size' are written across the skyline.

Godzilla, Mothra and Other Gigantic Creatures: The Science Behind their Size

In the 1933 classic King Kong, a giant gorilla terrorizes New York City, towering above trucks and houses and standing menacingly atop the Empire State Building. Since then, the idea of animals larger than human-made structures has fascinated us. From the giant reptiloid Godzilla and insectoid Mothra to the fish-like Sea Kings in One Piece, colossal creatures are a recurring theme across media.