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Primates progressively evolving into a human. Thought bubbles above the heads of each primate show the evolution of thought or consciousness, starting as a scribble and eventually a brain.

The Beginner’s Guide to Evolving Consciousness

We humans seem to have developed a higher level of consciousness that we haven’t found anywhere else in our universe. But what exactly caused our species to diverge so much from other organisms in this particular aspect?

Friendly-looking microbes in the stomach. The text reads "your friendly neighbourhood microbes".

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Microbes

We humans tend to place ourselves on a pedestal above all other organisms, but we should take the time to thank these little microbes for the work they do in keeping our gut healthy.

A night scene of a house with an "anti-solar" panel on its roof that is pulsing red. A shooting star passes over the house.

The ‘Anti-Solar’ Cell that Never Sleeps

As the world’s reliance on fossil fuels continues to threaten our climate, making renewable energy sources accessible is more important than ever.

A dentist probing at a patient's teeth. The patient's face is divided into two halves: one half shows the patient's skeleton, while the other half shows the patient's face.

Denthistory: Learning About Ancient Humans From Their Teeth

For a lot of people, visiting the dentist can be an exposing experience. Just by looking at their patients’ teeth, dentists can tell who’s been enjoying sugary drinks, or who skips flossing. As it turns out, dental bioarchaeologists can learn a lot from analyzing the teeth of prehistoric humans, too!

A bottle of honey in the shape of a bear. The text reads "why is honey dangerous for infants?".

Why Honey is Bad for Infants

Honey is often known as liquid gold, and for good reason. It never spoils, contains antioxidants, and can be used topically for many skin conditions. Based on this information, shouldn’t honey be generally be safe for consumption?

A person vaping and exhaling a puff of vapour or smoke. The text reads "The Hazy Science of Vaping".

The Hazy Science of Vaping

Through social media, TV, and online quizzes; almost everyone has heard about people being “left-brained” or “right-brained”. But how much truth is there to this idea of a dominant brain hemisphere?

A top view of a brain, with the left hemisphere coloured in red and the right hemisphere in blue. On the the left side of the image, there are letters of the alphabet (ABC) and a math expression (2+2=4). On the right side, there is a musical note, geometric shapes, and a paint brush.

The Science Behind the Left and Right Brain

Through social media, TV, and online quizzes; almost everyone has heard about people being “left-brained” or “right-brained”. But how much truth is there to this idea of a dominant brain hemisphere?

The Mind Flayer, a supernatural being from Netflix's Stranger Things, looming over the Earth. The text reads "hive mind".

Hive Mind

Superorganism, collective consciousness, hive mind. Lately, these words have been gaining attention online because of the hit TV show, Stranger Things. But while the public only recently became familiar with the Mind Flayer and its loyal Demogorgon soldiers, the phenomenon of a ‘collective brain’ has actually been around for millions of years.