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Winsy Leung

Five science-communicators, where four of five are women.

Gender Imbalance in SciComm (Op-ed)

In this op-ed, we take a look at gender imbalance in our club and what this might mean in the greater context of the science communication field.

The Sun, with Mercury in the centre as it passes it front of it from Earth.

Mercury in Transit

What does it mean when Mercury is “in transit”? Find out in this article, along with the next time you can catch this phenomenon from your own home!

A grey rat in a blue convertible car.

A Scientific Look at Real Life Rat Races

It’s the year 2019, and although flying cars and hover boards are not yet a reality, you can rest assured knowing that rats can now drive cars! That’s right, scientists at the University of Richmond in Virginia have succeeded in teaching rats how to operate tiny, rat-sized vehicles.