April Showers Bring May (Sun)Flowers
Spring is in the air—birds are chirping, the weather is warming, and as the proverb goes, ‘April showers bring May flowers.’
Spring is in the air—birds are chirping, the weather is warming, and as the proverb goes, ‘April showers bring May flowers.’
Why is Rudolph the only reindeer with a shiny nose? How did Rudolph even acquire a glowing nose? Perhaps some science can explain this phenomenon!
In the womb, the median artery is the first main blood supplier for the forearms and hands. Two other vessels soon take over this responsibility, and the median artery vanishes—most of the time.
We humans seem to have developed a higher level of consciousness that we haven’t found anywhere else in our universe. But what exactly caused our species to diverge so much from other organisms in this particular aspect?